  Struts 1.0.2

I am finding that <html:rewrite>s aren't being evaluated before the resulting HTML 
page is sent to the browser.  With the result, the source of the HTML shows things 

  <script language='javascript' src="<html:rewrite page="/scripts/qs.js"/>">

A little background:
The JSP is comprised of several smaller JSPs.  For example foo.jsp:

  <%@ include file="qsHead.jsp" %>

  <!-- Layout stuff -->

  <%@ include file="body.jsp" %> 
  <!-- rewrites here aren't evaluating -->

  <!-- etc -->

I can understand if it didn't evaluate *correctly*; but why doesn't it evaluate *at 

I am finding that the <html:rewrite> in qsHead.jsp (see below) is evaluating correctly

  <%@ include file="../../taglibs.jsp"%>
    <title><bean:message key="app.appName"/></title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href="<html:rewrite page="/styles/qs.css"/>" 
    <script language="JavaScript">
      window.defaultStatus="<bean:message key="app.appName"/>";

Any ideas?


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