Probably I have a configuration problem with struts.
Since my native language is Turkish :-), I use Turkish messages
in everywhere JSPs, Action classes etc. But when ActionError (or
any other tag that use MessageResources) display errors in JSPs
they look unreadable. 

For example, (sorry, probably you'll see some garbage)

errors.header=<div>İşlem sırasında aşağıdaki hatalar oluştu:<ul>

is displayed like below:

??lem s?ras?nda a?a??daki hatalar olu?tu:

I tried to debug but couldn't find what is causing this. I think
there is a configuration option for this but where?

Btw, I'm developing on W2K with Tomcat 4.0.6. And default regional
setting is set to Turkish.


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