most property names start with a lower-case letter - at least, that's convention. Have you tried using "requirement" instead of "Requirement"?

frank wrote:

Hi, all
I'm a new in struts. And I am writing a struts test. I made two actionforms, one is for the queryform, and another is
showform. The business logic is written in the testAction, it query the
database and put the data into the showform, , then put the showform
into the session, the next will forward the show.jsp. I use the
<bean:write name="showform" property="Requirement" >, but it tells me
that "No getter method for property Requirement of bean showForm".
Can someone tell me how to show the query result in the show.jsp with
the struts taglib. Any help will be welcome.

Best regard!


Eddie Bush

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