If you're putting your mitarbeiterListe in the session you don't need to
instantiate your bean in the page (i.e. <bean:define etc).

If you want to put it in the session do this in your action class.


Or in the request depending on what you want...

Then get your list out of the session like you're doing.. You don't need to
worry aboy the <bean:define stuff unless your looking to get at a list or
something without making available in the request or session or something..

<html:options collection="mitarbeiterListe" property="id"
labelProperty="name" />

Hope this helps. mark

On 22-12-2002 15:08, "Tobias Flohre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I have a serious problem, I already looked up all the list but didn't get
> any information helping me to solve it. I am new to struts, so maybe it is
> a simple thing, please take a look!
> I have an action mitarbeiterAuswahlShow filling a form bean
> MitarbeiterAuswahlForm, here the parts of the struts-config.xml:
>   <form-bean      name="mitarbeiterAuswahlForm"
>                   type="de.adesso.aproda.forms.MitarbeiterAuswahlForm"/>
>   <action    path="/mitarbeiterauswahlShow"
>              type="de.adesso.aproda.actions.MitarbeiterauswahlShowAction"
>              name="mitarbeiterAuswahlForm"
>              scope="session"
>              parameter="method">
>     <forward name="show"                 path="/mitarbeiterauswahl.jsp"/>
>   </action>
> When the action is called, the code is processed (i have some
> system.out.println in the action class, it looks good there). The server
> tells me this:
> 2002-12-22 02:37:13 - path="" :action:  Storing instance under attribute
> 'mitarbeiterAuswahlForm' in scope 'session'
> which sounds pretty good to me, too.
> But when I want to access mitarbeiterauswahlForm in the jsp, I get this:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean mitarbeiterAuswahlForm in
> scope session
> What are possible reasons for this??
> For further information I add some snippets from the action class and the
> jsp:
>   MitarbeiterAuswahlForm mitarbeiterAuswahlForm
> = (MitarbeiterAuswahlForm)form;
> ...
>   mitarbeiterAuswahlForm.setMitarbeiter (mitarbeiter);
>   mitarbeiterAuswahlForm.setStudenten (studenten);
>   return mapping.findForward("show");
> I added this line:
>   request.setAttribute("mitarbeiterAuswahlForm",mitarbeiterAuswahlForm);
> in the action class, but it is not necessary to do this by myself, right?
> struts should put in the scope, no?
> and the jsp:
> <bean:define id="mitarbeiterListe" name="mitarbeiterAuswahlForm" property
> ="mitarbeiter"/>
> <html:select styleClass="textbox" size="1" tabindex="3" property
> ="mitarbeiterID">
> <html:options collection="mitarbeiterListe" property="id" labelProperty
> ="name" />
> </html:select>
> Thanks for any help!!!
> Tobias
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