
Thnaks a lot for replying. yes i defenetly need the help from u in using the struts-layout . i was just struggling to implement the struts-layout from past 1 week. right now i have 1 problem i am using the text tag where i am specifying the isRequired="false" but still it displays the pixel icon besides the text box. how to disable this.
i have an invoice page where there are 2 section one is header and details section. i wanted to display the header portion depends on the mode if its in create then i wanted to display the text box else a plain text depending on the button onclick on the header portion like add,delete,update. can u tell me what i need to do to achieve this. and if u have time can u explain me how this modes works.

Xavier Escuderosabadell wrote:

Hi Usha. We are using struts-layout, and I have to say that is very useful!! We've used it mainly for developing only 1 jsp for a one maintenance use case (create, update, delete), because it allows to specify with tags and code the enabling and
disabling of components (if you are in an update, some textfields or combos appear like labels, etc.)

Don't hesitate if you want more information.

anybody is using the struts-layout taglibraries. i wanted to know how to use this with strutsv1.0.2.


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