You can do this with the Struts-EL library, which is part of the Struts distribution.  
Using this, your tag could look like this:

  <html-el:link forward='${menuOpt["forward"]}' target='${menuOpt["target"]}'/>

The Struts-EL library uses the JSTL expression language engine for evaluating 
attribute values.  Struts-EL requires a Servlet 2.3-compliant container.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Dahlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> for my menu options I would like to load a dynamic list of 
> menu options which will be read by the jsp file.  The java 
> code will load a vector with the menu options like this:
> Vector        vecMenuOpts    = new Vector();
> Hashtable   htblMenuOpt     = new Hashtable();
> htblMenuOpt.put( "forward", "forwardindicator" );
> htblMenuOpt.put( "target", "_top" );
> htblMenuOpt.put( "description", "labeltoshow" );
> vecMenuOpts.add( htblMenuOpt );
> ... add other menu options and then write it in a bean to the 
> session ...
> The Jsp would look like this:
> <logic:iterate id="menuOpt" name="vecMenuOpts">
>     <html:link  
>          ... here is where I need to load the forward and target >
>        <bean:write name=menuOpt" property="description"/>
>     </html:link>
> </logic:iterate>
> I would like to do this without having to use scriptlets.  Is 
> there a way to do this?

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