For a single parameter:

<html:hidden name="myBean" property="id"/>

But there's no direct way to use a Map of parameters ala <html:link>. One
possibility (with JSTL):

<c:forEach var="entry" items="${paramMap}">
  <input type="hidden" 
         name="<c:out value='${entry.key}'/>"
         value="<c:out value='${entry.value}'/>">

Quoting John Munsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> With an html:link I can embed a reference to a parameter or multiple
> parameters:
> <html:link paramId="id" paramName="myBean" paramProperty="id" 
> forward="/test">Click Me</html:link>
> Note that this will call whatever /test maps to with "?id=<some #>"
> after it. And if I create /test as a global forward and map that to some
> action mapping (e.g. /test points to / then an action gets
> called with either one or more parameters passed through to it.
> On the other hand, with html:form I don't seem to have the same
> functionality. I don't see a way to refer to a parameter or set of
> parameters in the html:form tag so that I can pass through parameters
> that way. So I pretty much have to pass through anything I want to send
> to an action invoked through a form using the ActionForm that it gets
> when it is called.
> My question is: Why? Since the action for the form is written into the
> HTML in much the same fashion as a link is written, why can't you make
> reference to one or even multiple parameters that you want to be written
> into that URL via the same mechanisms that are available through
> html:link? Why not:
> <html:form paramId="id" paramName="myBean" paramProperty="id" 
> action="/test">
> Or am I missing something completely?
> -- 
> John Munsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PDX, Inc.
> --
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Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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