Hi everyone,
    I try to use Struts 1.0.2's SaveToken function to avoid duplicated
submit.  However I try to use the following logic to make it work:
Action => JSP (show the submit form without the data) => (click submit) =>
Action with populated form => JSP (show the same jsp page to show the data
    I get the message "duplicated request".
    I think neither (1) it can use the same Action class to show and process
the data, nor (2) it can use the same jsp page to show the form and display
the result.  I use a debugger to know that the value of the hidden variable
for storing the saved session Token value is the same as the session Token
stored in session after I click the submit button.  That 's why the
isValidToken is false.  It is the bug in my coding or this is the default
behaviour of Struts?
Thank you!

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