I am using Struts 1.1b2, Tomcat 4.1.12 LE, on Win2K.

I have a strange issue. I have a TEXTAREA type control that gets populated
from values in database. The value in the database has some line breaks. I
store that value in a variable called: "OLD_VALUE". Then I display the value
in the TEXTAREA and when i get it back(from form-bean) after the form is
submitted (without changing the value) i store it in a variable called
"NEW_VALUE". The two DON'T evaluate String.equals() to "true". When I paste
them in notepad I see that OLD_VALUE has line-breaks while the NEW_VALUE
does not have line breaks.

Has anyone else faced the same problem? I guess it has something to do with
\r and \r\n for line breaks on different platforms.

BTW the data in the database is saved in Oracle 8i through a Swing
client/server app. The App-Server for Swing app is Weblogic on Solaris for
SunSPARC. Then the data gets imported to XML and then to MySQL on Win2K.
Then the Struts app loads and display/edits it in the above form.

Thanks and regards,


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