I know.. It's a very ambiguous subject, but I'm trying to make some design decisions and maybe someone out there can shed some light. I'm trying to convert the programming group that I work with to utilizing Struts as the main framework for our programming efforts. We are already heavy into jsp and servlets, but it has just been that... a lot of servlets and a lot of jsp's with business logic and presentation logic all jumbled up where ever the "programmer" thought best.

I'm re-designing the "home page" for our group (using Struts v1.1b3 with tiles) and from that page the user can get to a number of the original applications. I want to start with a good design up front so that as we build new apps and re-design our older ones they can easily be pulled into the Struts framework with the same "tiles based" look and feel.

I started my Struts era with v1.1b, but by no means do I feel like an expert so if I say something incorrect out of ignorance please holler... My first thought was that the Struts application modules was the way to go. This would allow separate development efforts to progress while keeping the main code base of the look and feel intact. But, unless I'm just not seeing it... the application modules can only be packaged together as a single war file for deployment. Am I correct in this assumption? The downside (from my groups needs) is that each application (module) is managed by it's own project team and maintains it's own release schedule which doesn't seem to fit with a single war file deployment process.

My apologies if the next part of this is "off topic" for the Struts alias, but the knowledge on this alias never ceases to amaze me.

My next thought was that since we utilize CVS as our source control system there might be a way with CVS's modules file to accomplish what I need. The challenge is I haven't had the time to play with it and hopefully someone out there has and can enlighten me... If I'm way off base on this design please let me know (with some good examples on a better way). What I think I need is the ability to build a new project based on one or more existing CVS projects. What I would like to do is make the look and feel code (tiles, jsp and servlets) live on it's own in CVS. What I mean by that is when project A is created it will include the look and feel project code. Likewise when project B is created it will also include the look and feel project code. I think this is possible with the modules file in CVS, but I'm not sure. Here's what I don't understand... If a change is committed to the look and feel code on project A is that change actually being committed to project A's source or the look and feel source? It would be ideal if the change goes back to the look and feel project source thereby making it readily available for project B.

I'm open for all suggestions on how to maintain the integrity of the look and feel code under multiple projects. If I'm misreading the way that Struts application modules can be deployed then point me in the right direction. Also, if there are any examples of how to work with the CVS modules files to accomplish the desired affect then fire those off too.

Thanks in advance, ajTreece

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