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I have a DynaActionForm, which has 2 form-property elements. I am using this form-bean to retrieve two different lists as follows.
<form-bean name="servicesForm" dynamic="true" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
   <form-property name="serviceSets" type="java.util.Vector"/>
   <form-property name="services" type="java.util.Vector"/>
From the jsp, I am trying to retrieve the two Vectors as follows.
<bean:define id="serviceSetsList" name="servicesForm" property="serviceSets" type="java.util.Vector"/>
<bean:define id="servicesList" name="servicesForm" property="services" type="java.util.Vector"/>
However, I am not able to define the second bean in the same JSP page. I found the following in Struts User Guide. Please let me know if any one knows of an alternate solution.

USAGE NOTE - There is a restriction in the JSP 1.1 Specification that disallows using the same value for an id attribute more than once in a single JSP page. Therefore, you will not be able to use <bean:define> for the same bean name more than once in a single page.

See the Bean Developer's Guide section on bean creation for more information about these differences, as well as alternative approaches to introducing beans into a JSP page.

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