Anyone know a good way of getting a java.util.TimeZone object corresponding
to the users timezone (that doesnt involve having them manually specify it
at login which is what Im looking at having to do now), so that I can
display various dates to them in local time?

I thought of getting the difference between the users local time and
gmt(utc) based on the value of javascript's Date.getTimezoneOffset()
function (using the current date) submitting this in a hidden field on the
login page and then instantiating a 'custom' timezone based on this - but
this wont take into account the daylight savings rules that apply to the
users location - thus certain datetimes will end up being rendered
incorrectly when I show them in the users local time... (For example if the
date is for a time during dst and the user is currently not in dst or vice

I also thought of rendering the dates as javscript code that instantiates a
javascript Date object based on the dates utc value and then renders itself
into the appropriate location into the dom which would thus be making use of
JavaScripts support for the users local daylight savings rules on a per-date
basis, but following experimentation it seems that (in IE at least) this
doesnt provide any language sensitive rendering - always using English, so
Ive ruled this out (kind of a relief considering how much bother and how
hack-ish it is!).

Of course if I can just get the dratted TimeZone, then its a simple matter
to convert the date in question into a suitable string for display to that

TimeZone timeZone = supplied by magic - arrgh!

Locale locale = supplied by struts :-)
String formatString = "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"; //Or some nicer
looking format
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString,locale);
String displayDateText = df.format(date);

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