
I would like to make a reset button redirect to an action, preferably client side.

I've tried supplying an onclick attribute to the <html:reset> tag but I can find no way of getting the full URL of the action without writing a Java scriplet. Here's my best attempt so far:

<bean:struts id="resetForward" forward="Add" />
<html:reset titleKey="labels.addReset" property="reset" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function onReset() {
window.location = '<%= request.getContextPath() +
resetForward.getPath() %>';
document.Data.reset.onclick = onReset;

I'd be really grateful for any better ideas as this seems a bit nasty.

Something like <html:url action="/MyAction" /> would be lovely :).

Thanks in advance,

Matt Goodall
Analyst Programmer, Strategic Systems Solutions
t: +44 113 3892645

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