Here is my dilemma:

I have a JSP page that can have the following types of images depending on Locale AND 
one more variable.
Possible choices:

<imag> tag can refer to a:

1. Spanish version of the image
2. English version of the image
3. Spanish none standard image
4. English none standard image

So far, I have thought of the following solution:

1. Build a custom tag called "ImagePath" as follow:

This tag would have 3 attributes, image name, locale, var1 (to specify standard or 
none standard)
Tag's implementation would read a properties file to get the appropriate image path 
for a particular image.

an example would be:  <img src="<mytag:ImagePath imageName, Locale, var1>">

Please let me know if there is an easy solution, or if this example/solution that I 
proposed makes any sense :)


p.s. I cannot use the Struts MessageResource, but we are utilizing ResourceBundle 


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