* Fundamentals of object-oriented programming

* Java as a programming language
done them.

* Design patterns (at the programming level)
any good sites for learning this? I read already the theoretical ones but at the programming level, sometimes I'm still confused to use which DP.

* Unit testing concepts and test-first design (JUnit is a wonderful
tool for this in the Java space)
I learned this too. But, it seems that there're a few tutorial on JUnit. Can anyone here refer me?

Oh yeah, I also learn Cocoon, Apache FOP, JDOM, and Ant.

* Basics of relational databases, SQL, and the
  corresponding Java API (JDBC).

* Fundamentals of XML and XSLT (if you're going to be doing
web services or XML-heavy applications)
is learning.

* Architecture of the web (particularly how HTTP, HTML, and
JavaScript work)
can you elaborate more? As a Software Developer for mostly web, I know how the JS and HTML work. But why I should know about HTTP?

* The Servlet API -- foundation to every Java-based web application
done. Though, I don't explore them thoroughly. Only, when I meet a very special case like how to limit the number of access a user can make to the web app, delivering image on the fly, creating an excel file, etc.

* Basics of the view-layer technology (such as JSP) you plan to use
If you're planning to use JSPs, plan on spending some time on:
- Custom tags
- JSTL 1.0 and the expression language
is learning too.

* Use of advanced Struts features and extensions
still learning the basics :).

Yes, that list is very long. But the rewards for persevering and becoming
an expert are very great :-).

thx for the advice.
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