Seems to me it would be easier to use EJBs with CMP.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 11:24 AM
I'm tentatively planning on using multiple actions per request, one to
process the input and another to process the output.  I've applied the Gang
of Four's template method pattern to Action.execute() to
create/commit/rollback a transaction.  Individual subclasses implement an
overloaded execute() method and take it for granted that a txn is active. Is
there a way to configure struts so each action in the chain, as well as the
final jsp perhaps, all take place within the same transaction?  I've looked
at RequestProcessor and don't see that it's the answer but it would be nice
if there was something like that, though at a higher level.  For example,
there would be a preprocess() method where I could start the txn, a
process() method that would execute() all actions and jsps in the chain, a
processException() method that would rollback the transaction, and a
postprocess() method that would commit the transaction.  I'm assuming that
processException() would be called before postprocess() of course.

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