Dear all,

I'm pleased to announce that the new 2.2 version of the FreeMarker template
engine now natively supports JSP tag libraries. The first preview release of
the new version is downloadable from the project home page at

This new ability is of special significance to Jakarta Struts and Taglib
communities, since you are no longer forced into a tradeoff. Before now, you
had to make a choice: either you couldn't use a template engine, or you
couldn't use the taglibs. With FreeMarker, you no longer need to abandon any
of the valuable taglibs you came to know and love if you want to change your
view technology from JSP to a template engine.

Aside from the native JSP taglib support, FreeMarker 2.2 introduces many new
improvements in areas of macro handling, namespaces, automatic escaping of
interpolations and whitespace handling.

Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,
  Attila Szegedi
  FreeMarker co-admin

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