This is more of a design question. I am using Struts and Tomcat, and have set 
up a JNDI ref-resource to acquire a DataSource for my database, which works 
fine.  All of my value objects use the same database.

The question is how to give each value object access to this DataSource.

One option would be to lookup the JNDI contexts once, at application init, 
and store the DataSource as an application scope attribute. Then whenever a 
value object needs to do database work, they access this DataSource and do a 
getConnection() / conn.close().

Another option would be to have each value object do the JNDI lookups (say, 
in their constructors) and store the DataSource reference in a private field 
--- then anytime they need to do database work, they use the private field 
DataSource and do a getConnection() / conn.close()

Is there any difference/advantage/disadvantage in having all value objects 
using the same DataSource reference, stored at application scope, vs. all 
value objects having their own reference to the DataSource ? 

Or another approach which is superior to these options ?


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