I left out some important information from the question I posed earlier:

original question:

> > 
> > Is there a way to set the "forward" page to be the same page that originated
> > the request?
> > 
> > I want to enable users to change locale with a button. But I don't
> > want them to go anywhere else after submitting their form.
> > 
> > Here is an example to illustrate what I want to do (obviously, I know
> > "path=thesamepage" won't work :-)).
> > 
> >    <action   path="/changeLocale"
> >               type="dk.au.registration.oekonomi.student.LocaleAction"
> >               name="localeform"
> >               scope="request"
> >               validate="false"
> >         <forward name="success" path=thesamepage>
> >     </action>

new information:

I want to put "changeLocale" form (a flag button) on every .jsp page and not
specify a single input page in the action mapping. Therefore, I want the
controller to somehow know what page the request came in on, and "forward" the
response back to that original requesting page, whatever it is. 



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