
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Scott Piker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 10:03 AM
>Subject: Struts productivity metrics?
>I apologize in advance if this has been discussed before - I'm 
>new to this
>mailing list and relatively new to struts.

This is a good question, but one that I fear will be difficult to quantify the answers 

>I am interested in obtaining some real-world productivity 
>metrics for struts
>usage.  For example, has moving to struts greatly improved 
>your/your team's
>overall productivity?  How much, and which specific areas have 
>improved the

Struts has positively impacted our team and our productivity. The whole controller 
thing is now just not even an issue anymore. We have no scriptlets in our JSPs and our 
business users are happy.

>I would assume using struts would have little or no effect on 
>the back-end
>object design and construction effort.  So we're really just 
>talking about
>improving the front-end/controller tiers of the application.  Correct?


>So some specific questions:
>1) What's the typical ramp-up time for an average developer?  
>How long until
>they become fully productive vs. 'just capable'?  What's the 
>most effective
>way to bring someone up-to-speed?

This will vary wildly according to previous experience. I had never used JSPs before I 
started learning Struts and they threw me for a loop. It took me two months to learn 
Struts from nothing to writing a small useful login application that used cookies and 
database access that I could write from scratch without cribing from struts-example. 
Over a month of that was trying to "grok" JSPs.

>2) What's the suggested team size / structure and experience mix?

Whatever I can get would be the honest and realistic answer.

>3) On a per "page" or use case basis, how long does it take for an
>easy/medium/complex module to be developed?  How does that compare with
>other frameworks/approaches you've used in the past?

No data to offer.

>4) Assuming that struts provides a consistent framework that 
>is easier to
>maintain, is there perhaps a increase in initial development 
>effort which is
>offset by a decrease in the ongoing maintenance effort for the 

No extra upfront effort, but the ongoing maintenance does seem to be less.

>Can that be quantified by testing metrics like # of issues 
>and avg. # hours required to resolve an issue?
>Anecdotal comments are appreciated, but I'm mostly interested in hard
>metrics (X hrs w/ struts vs. Y hrs w/ 'the old way') if 
>possible.  Also - if
>there are any books/sites which address these questions, 
>please send them my
>Thanks in advance,
>- Scott
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