Hi all,

I'm new to the list, so apologies if I say something silly.

Last night I found myself needing to take a bunch of query parameters from 
an incoming request and map them to tiles:put parameters, like this:

<% Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
   for (;e.hasMoreElements;) {
        String name = (String)e.nextElement();
        <tiles:put name="<%= name %>" 
                   value="<%= request.getParameter(name) %>"/>
 <% } %>

(Let's assume for the moment that this is not a glaring security hole -- 
it is for an intranet app and the number of hostile incoming requests 
should be neglible.)

This doesn't work with tiles as-is because the TLD has rtexpr=false for 
the name attribute of the put tag.  Is there a particular reason for this?  
When I changed it to true, this worked fine.  But now I'm wondering if I 
may have opened up another bug someplace else.

Thanks!  I can go into more detail about why I needed to do this, but this 
is my first post to the group and I decided that an autobiography wasn't 
necessary right at this moment. ;)

Btw, this is with struts 1.1b3.


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