I found one at
http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/doc-1.0.2/userGuide/resources.html . Is
there more?

-----Original Message-----
From: Alireza Fattahi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 11:03 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: [List Of Struts SubProjects ]RE: Jboss and Struts Menu

Struts Menu! Unfortunately, I have not heard about it. It makes me feel bad
because I would use it in my previous project if I knew it :( 
Well it has passed but is there a list of these projects? May be a there are
lot more out there.

To Will_Etson: Sorry for no help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Etson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 1:22 AM
Subject: Jboss and Struts Menu

Is anyone using Jboss and StrutsMenu together? I trying to get the sample
app to deploy, without much luck. I even recompiled the library with struts
1.1b3. No luck. Under tomcat 4.1.12 LE, every thing is fine. I've even tried
some of the other fixes for JBoss ClassLoader/Struts problems. The
struts-validator.war and the struts-example.war load just fine in Jboss.
The exception I get: 
17:54:43,950 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No
ClassLoaders found for: com.fgm.web.menu.displayer.MenuDisplayerMapping
17:54:43,960 ERROR [STDERR]     at
17:54:43,960 ERROR [STDERR]     at
17:54:43,970 ERROR [STDERR]     at

A full trace is attached

Struts 1.1b3
StrutsMenu 1.2
Jboss 3.0.4 (embedded tomcat 4.1.12)
Windows XP SP1

Will Etson

P.S. I had similar issues with stxx...

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