Hi, I have a master form that displays a bunch of object.

I'd like for the user to select a radio button corresponding to one of
those objects and then click Edit.

The editaction should obviously display a form corresponding to the
selected object.

What I'm failing to understand is what I need to do? (i.e. in
order to do something like this)..
      - i need to create an editaction
      - in it's perform method I need to create/get my model class
      - write a form class with getter/setter for my model class
        (this largely reproduces methods from the model, but this
         class derives from ActionForm)?
      - set each individual attribute of my model into request parameters
      - forward to the jsp that contains an input form with the
        same input parameters
All this to do something as simple as display a bunch of fields? :)
I must be missing something. 

Is there a way to reduce the number of classes, and maybe reduce the
individual getting and setting code everywhere??


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