
I have been putting my data logic into DAO classes that throw their own
custom exceptions.  Based on the exception thrown, I append to the
ActionError object in the Action class.  I don't think this answers the
specific question you asked regarding use of the ActionError object in your
business logic but it could be an alternative path that you could opt for.

-----Original Message-----
From: mech [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 1:05 PM
Subject: Design question: Model component using Business logic beans


currently I'm doing all my business logic in my Action classes. So
besides the execute() method I might have some helper methods like
populateFormBean() or I even put those stuff in the execute() directly
if it wasn't to much.
I have to do quite a lot of database queries to populate the form bean
for the views.

So actually the Action class should only do the controlling. So far so
good and since things got to much in my Action classes I planned to move
the code out into business logic beans to be accessed within execute()
in order to do all the populate form stuff there.

It's no problem to use a setter method to give my business logic beans
the reference to my struts connection pool. Also fine to do it with the
form bean.

One thing, I'm having a bit trouble with migration is the ActionError

Since most of the errors, like lost DB connections or the rollbacks of
db transactions usually happen in my business logic beans then, I wonder
what could be a good practice to pass those errors back to the Action
execute() as I need those information in <html:errors/> in my views.

I guess if I import "org.apache.struts.action.ActionError" in my
business logic, I'm doing a bad job to untie business logic from my
controller, right? 
I guess it would be similar bad like including the servlet packages as
mentioned as a warning in the Struts documentation.

But on the other hand, it's quite useful to say

        errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new

in my business logic bean in order to log an error at the place where it
occurs, right?

But to use a setter method in my business logic bean writting all those
errors and retrieving them with a getter method in the calling execute()
requires importing Struts packages...

Does anyone have good ideas how to untie business logic from all
web-related stuff while still being able to pass errors in a
sophisticated way back to the caller, like it can be done with the
ActionError classes.

I would appreciate any design hints from everybody who doesn't put all
his business logic code into the Action classes or it's execute()
method, since most books "speak about not to tie business logic with the
controller", but usually do the opposite in the sample code. ;-)


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