I have experienced this same thing with the DynaValidatorForm, since we 
ran into something similar I knew to bounce twice. 

I thought it did have something to do with a class loader or where the 
jars were or something like that??



This is what our sysadmin said about it:
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 16:43, Michael P. Jones wrote:

> This is something I have been running into.
> Matt, what was the deal with having to bounce Tomcat twice?
> Thanks-
> Michael

In 4.0.x, Tomcat looks for the web.xml files before unpacking the
.wars.  Once the .wars are unpacked, Tomcat never goes back a second
time to read the web.xml files from any .wars it just unpacked, so those
webapps will throw all kinds of errors until Tomcat is bounced again. 
AFAIK, this is only applicable to the 4.0.x series.  I don't know if
this is the same issue, but it's why we have to bounce twice for new

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some
observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass.
- Mark Twain


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