
I have been struggling in vain to use the <html:link> tag with multiple
parameters. I know you're supposed to use a java.util.Map to hold the
parameters, since there could be any number of them, but the question is,
how do you set up this map within a scriptlet when you can't access
formbean properties from scriptlets??!

It so happens I am in a loop, and want to pull in two parameters, one of
which is a property of the bean being iterated over in the loop.
I want to do something like:

<logic:iterate name="systemForm" property="subSystems" id="subSystem">
        <td><bean:write name="subSystem" property="systemCode" /></td>
        <td><bean:write name="subSystem" property="shortName" /></td>
        <td><bean:write name="subSystem" property="longName" /></td>
Map map = new Map();
***** impossible part coming up ***********
map.put("systemCode", <bean:write name="systemForm" property
map.put("systemCode", <bean:write name="subSystem" property="systemCode"
***** end impossible part **********
            <html:link href="editSubSystemPrepare.do" paramName

I have searched many times and found no answer to this problem. Help!!


Andrew Broderick

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