I am having trouble with this type of nesting of tiles tags (insert inside a

        <tiles:insert page="/template_html.jsp">
                <tiles:put name="body" type="string">
                        <p>This should print ABOVE the template_body.jsp's text...</p>
                        <tiles:insert page="/template_body.jsp" />

For some reason, I am getting a "Illegal to flush within a custom tag"
error.  I tried setting flush="false" in the inner include, which stops the
error from coming up, but then the <p>...</p> prints out after the

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jarrod Lugo

-----Original Message-----
From: Jarrod M. Lugo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:36 AM
Subject: Nesting a "tiles:insert" inside of a "tiles:put" is returning
"Illegal to flush within a custom tag"


I have a situation that I need to nest a "tiles:insert" inside of a
"tiles:put".  I did this with template tags in the past with no problem.  I
am now getting an "Illegal to flush within a custom tag" error when I
changed all the "template" tags to "tiles".

I have read about similar problems when nesting a tiles tag inside of an
iteration tag...  So, I "hacked" it by using tiles for the outer
insert/puts, and a template for the inner insert/puts, but I shouldn't have
to do this, right?  Plus, I may need to use tiles for the inner insert/puts
in the future and it is just ugly to mix and match this stuff...

Any help would greatly be appreciated.  If you need it, I have a small chunk
of code exemplifying what I am trying to do.

Thanks for your help,
Jarrod Lugo

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