On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 12:34:35AM -0500, Rob Leland wrote:

>  EditAAction         SaveAAction ------>EditBAction           SaveBAction
>                  \           
> /                                              \            /
>                    \       
> /                                                  \         /
>                     \/    
> /                                                     \/     /
> (AActionForm)  + A.jsp                     (BActionForm)+B.jsp
> To keep your code maintainable after SaveAAction is 'happy'
> It looks up the 'success' or 'happy' mapping in your struts-config.xml
> That maps to EditBAction which takes care of filling in the data for
> BActionForm, and then forwards to b.jsp.

   First off, thanks for the funky ASCII graphics and the reply. ;) 

   What I find confusing is the SaveAAction --> EditBAction. Does
SaveAAction simply instantiate EditBAction and then pass whatever data
it needs? Doesn't struts think the current ActionForm is not BActionForm
but AActionForm since that is the form that was declard in the
struts-config.xml for that the very first Action we performed?

   My understanding is that the lifetime of an Action is jsp to servlet
to jsp and during that Action the ActionForm declared for that Action is
the only ActionForm that is valid.

   Are you saying that it is possible to change the type of ActionForm
used after the first submit?

  Thanks for the book and website referrals. I had purchaed O'Reilly's
Struts books but it's been very dissapointing. I'll take a look at Ted
Husted's book.

   Thanks again


Justin F. Knotzke

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