On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Caoilte O'Connor wrote:

> Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 12:38:43 +0000
> From: Caoilte O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: Re: those ace logic jsp tags
> On Monday 10 February 2003 1:03 pm, Taylor Cowan wrote:
> > >there any chance that they'll ever be incorporated into Struts proper?
> >
> > The direction for struts seems to be conformance/reliance on the JSTL as
> > much as possible, therefore, you'd use the JSTL tags with matching
> > functionality.
> >
> eh?
> that'll teach me to stop reading the mailing list. Where can I find out more
> about Struts integration with JSTL?

Grab a recent nightly build of Struts and check out the "struts-el"
package in the "contrib" directory.  It includes a recasting of all the
useful Struts tags with EL handling that is compatible with JSTL.

You can get the code for JSTL itself from the Jakarta Taglibs Project at


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