Hi folks,

having problem getting my own rude words validator to work.  I get the
following in the console window but no debug from my Validation class.  I am
not that familiar with reflection so I am a bit lost as to how to debug
further.????  Thanks for you help

console window:
Validator::validate() reflection -

in validation-rules.xml:
<validator name="profanity"
" method="validateProfanity" msg="errors.profanity"/>

in validation.xml:
<field property="hubType" depends="mask,profanity">
<arg0 key="provisioningForm.hubType"/>

public static boolean validateProfanity(Object bean, ValidatorAction va,
Field field, ActionErrors errors, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext
app) {
JRU_Logger.msg("///////////////////////////// Validating Profanities ");
String value = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean, field.getProperty());
if (!GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(value) && isProfane(value)) {
errors.add(field.getProperty(), StrutsValidatorUtil.getActionError(app,
request, va, field));
return false;
return true;

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