Nothing out of the ordinary jumps out from what you have sent.  That being said, 
following are a few points; a list which you have probably already checked and 

* Have you set the validator plug-in element in the 
* Is the name of the form-bean in the action mapping also
* Have you ensured that the requiredIf logic is being invoked
  at all?  You could test this by say, changing the logic 
  (just for test purposes).  For example, change the NULL 
  criterion to some dummy string literal.  Then actually enter 
  that literal on the JSP and see if the requiredif logic 
  is triggered


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Jalenak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 8:38 AM
Subject: [REPOST] [Validator] REQUIREDIF Question

I'm reposting this in the hope that someone can tell what I'm doing wrong. I can't 
seem to figure out why this doesn't work.....  Any (and all) help is greatly 

I have a rather simple form with 4 fields on it.  If the first field
(patientId) is left blank, then the other three fields (lastName, firstName,
dob) are required.  So, in struts-config I have

        <form-bean name="UserInfo" 
                <form-property name="lastName"
                <form-property name="firstName"
                <form-property name="dob"
                <form-property name="patientId"

and in my validator-rules I am using

                <form name="UserInfo">
                        <field property="patientId" depends="mask">
                                <msg name="mask" key="errors.field.invalid"
                                <arg0 key="UserInfo.patientId.displayname"
                        <field property="lastName" depends="requiredif,
                                <msg name="requiredif"
key="errors.field.required" />
                                <msg name="mask" key="errors.field.invalid"
                                <arg0 key="UserInfo.lastName.displayname" />
                        <field property="firstName" depends="requiredif,
                                <msg name="requiredif"
key="errors.field.required" />
                                <msg name="mask" key="errors.field.invalid"
                                <arg0 key="UserInfo.firstName.displayname"
                        <field property="dob" depends="requiredif, mask">
                                <msg name="requiredif"
key="errors.field.required" />
                                <msg name="mask" key="errors.field.invalid"
                                <arg0 key="UserInfo.dob.displayname" />

The REQUIREDIF check does not seem to be working as the validation is passed 
successfully.  I suspect it has something to do with the form property being a String, 
but being checked against a NULL in validator.  I checked the validator docs and this 
appears to be the correct way of doing this.  Am I just missing something obvious?


Jerry Jalenak
Web Publishing
LabOne, Inc.
10101 Renner Blvd.
Lenexa, KS  66219
(913) 577-1496

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