Hi folks,

I'm trying to extend the Artimus application so that it works with my existing old java code and my old database instead of the artimus one.

I'm trying to figure out the poolman config required for the Artimus struts sample app.

So lets go look for it.... hmmmm. There is one in artimus_1_1/WEB-INF/src/conf, one in artimus_1_1/WEB-INF/src/java and one in artimus_1_1/WEB-INF

Why so many?

I had to create the directory for the log file which eventually told me that even though I changed *all* these it still wasn't picking up my new data source....

Is it because there is a *fourth* one in commons-scaffold.jar ???


Can't delete it, don't know how.... so I'll have to overwrite it with one of the others....

Anyone know why there are so many poolman.xml files?

I can understand one "source" one and one "installed" one, but why four?

Alex McLintock

PS I am getting this error. I have changed jdbc-artimus to jdbc-metadata in every poolman.xml I could find.

java.sql.SQLException: No such datasource: jdbc-metadata. Check your poolman.xml config, and be sure you are using a valid dbname parameter (use dbname, not jndiName)
at com.codestudio.sql.PoolMan.findDataSource(PoolMan.java:128)
at org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql.PoolmanAdaptor.getDataSource(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql.ConnectionAdaptor.getConnection(Unknown Source)

And this is what I am *trying* to use.....


<!-- ============================== -->
<!-- Physical Connection Attributes -->
<!-- ============================== -->

<!-- Standard JDBC Driver info -->





<!-- Query Cache Attributes-->



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