2003. február 17. 13:20 dátummal Ted Husted ezt írtad:
> Soren Dalby wrote:
>  > As default, I18N Struts-applications are managed by the language in
>  > the browser. I would like it to be based on a language-code in the
>  > users login and thus I need to set the locale/language designation
>  > that controls Struts
> As far as I know, by default, Struts applications are governed by the
> default locale of the container/JVM hosting the application. (The last
> thing Struts is going to do is trust what some whacky browser has to say
> about it! [:0])

Afaik it sets the Locale to request.getLocale() which uses the accept language 
header of the request. So it does use the locale set up by the browser.  
If there is no such header it defaults to the container's one.

You can change this in your action via


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