I've just taken a closer look at org.apache.commons.beanutils ...

This seems the question i should have been asking, any good references for learning how to use this package would be appreciated..

Many thanks


Marted́, 18 feb 2003, alle 11:20 Europe/Rome, Mark Lowe ha scritto:

Inizio del messaggio inoltrato:

Data: Mar 18 feb 2003 11:16:35 Europe/Rome
A: Struts List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oggetto: help

This isn't really a struts question, but is i imagine a typical scenrio when attempting to use struts with older systems.

I'm using a legacy cms system were some genius, executing a 'code before think' policy, thought it sage to generate sql tables rather than just storing data in them.

Does anybody know any clever ways I can get around this.. ?

At the moment I'm using the jdbc metadata which provides a reasonable interface to site builders. i.e i read the meta data along with the results into a hash and make an array of hashmaps with column names as keys. Then the array is fed to the request etc..


<logic:iterate id="jism" name="thesqltablename">
<bean:write name="jism" property="fieldname" /><br />

But i don't like this (although it does work), I'm also running into problems when having to return the contents of two tables to my page. As i have don't have all the gets and sets in my beans (because i don't know ahead of time what the fields are).

Has anyone had any similar problems to solve? Is there a nicer way of doing this?

Many thanks


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