Until now I had only installed the extension CTLX
but I had some problems to insert the struts tags in the pages. 
I thus installed the extension Dreamweaver Integration Kit 1.1.0 but I a
have the
same problem how do you access to the Struts tags list in order to select a
and insert it in the page ? which command of the Ultradev menu allows it ?
For the CTLX you must activate the command Window-
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>Use Custom Tag and 
for Dreamweaver Integration Kit ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Cros [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 February 2003 18:55
Subject: Integration of Struts in Dreamweaver, and LiveData




            First, i want to tell to all that i found a good wysiwyg
Dreamweaver extension to design Struts pages. Perhaps some of you
already knows it, but I give it again cause I spent 2 days to find it !

            It's Dreamweaver Integration Kit 1.1.0 made for OptimalJ
product. The extension seems to be kept free and works with Struts 1.0.
You can see HTML component such as text input our submit button and edit
properties of struts tags in Dreamweaver. You can download it after
registration at http://javacentral.compuware.com
<http://javacentral.compuware.com/> . It seems to work with Dreamweaver
Ultradev 4 and Dreamweaver MX.


            In parallel, I tried to use LiveData function, but saw that
struts tag <html:errors/> gives the following error "H:Fatal parsing
error !!!!!!>>>><html:errors/ " . I wrote <html:errors /> (with one
space), then LiveData changes it ! It becomes <html:errors
mmTranslatedValue="mmvisible=false" />. And , if you re-invoke LiveData
with this, an error 500 occurs, logically.


            Does someone know why this tag does not work ? I use tomcat
4.1.12 and the tag works well when i use Tomcat alone ! So it seems to
be a LiveData behaviour, but which one ?

            Dreamweaver integration kit is not guilty. I uninstall it
and it's the same behaviour.


            All other tags seem to work, so why this one is wrong or
modified ?




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