I've got 3 fields on a form and in the validation.xml file I have all 3
fields as required.  I also have other criteria on the fields - range
checks, masks, number of characters, etc...

When I submit the form, it first checks to see if the required fields have
values in them.  If so, it then goes on to the other check.  What is
happening though is that until I enter in values to all of the required
fields, it will not check the additional rules around the other fields.  I
can understand that this should happen when a field is blank, but it
shouldn't affect the other fields on the screen from validating the rest of
their rules in they have values.

I have the following setup:

Field 1:   (left blank)
Field 2:   (left blank)
Field 3:  Test

I have a rule around Field 3 that says it must be numeric.  But if I leave
the first 2 fields blank, then the test of Field 3 is not occuring until I
enter in values in the other fields.


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