
You can currently use Struts Console with Eclipse, see the below link for 
configuration information.


> From: Edgar Dollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/02/21 Fri AM 08:12:58 EST
> Subject: Struts Console
> James or any other Struts Console maven:
> I have started working more with Struts Console and find it interesting
> since it is always presenting all the options available on actions, etc.
> Also, that it is doing xml validation against the dtd is very nice as well.
> I still do enjoy using my editor (emacs) on the config files for cut and
> paste and search and replace, but find the default struts-console xml output
> format difficult.  
> Is it possible that struts-console 'pretty' will not toss comments and also
> be available under eclipse?   Even better would be the ability to add
> comments to each xml property.  Better still would be a 'copynew' function
> for major items such as tiles-definitions and action mappings.  Of course if
> you do 'copynew' you would need search and replace.
> I hope you take this commentary in the spirit in which it is meant, as a
> thanks for a program useful enough to be worth commenting about.
> Thanks
> Edgar

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