I greatly appreciated your input.
We should aggree with the fact Struts is not an "universal solution".
However it was good enough designed.
I think Struts 2.0 will be further powerful since it will go using
more interfaces instead of concrete classes, as somedoby posted it.

Thanks a lot putting out some Struts's concepts I was missing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: PILGRIM, Peter, FM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 6:49 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true 
> domain objects
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: NYIMI Jose (BMB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 17 February 2003 14:37
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true 
> domain objects
> > 
> > 
> > Dear Struts Users,
> > 
> > I have just bought this book : "Expert one-one-one J2EE
> > Design and Development" by Rod Johnson.
> > 
> > http://www.wrox.com/news/852.htm
> > 
> > I will greatly appreciate to have your opinion about this "so
> > beeing design flaw of Struts" described in the above book.
> > Rod Johnson suggested an alternative framework that takes 
> > strengths of following frameworks : Struts, Maverick and 
> > WebWork, then offer solution to their weaknesses.
> > Codes are available at : 
> > http://www.wrox.com/dynamic/books/download.aspx?isbn=186100784
> > 1#downloads
> Actually I got a copy of this book today myself for review 
> purposes, winning it in Expresso Framework open source 
> promotion. I waited to comment on this message until I had my 
> review copy in front of me. So I will be reading the next 
> section very carefully.
> > The Autor wrote the following :
> > 
> > " Despite of its popularity, I'm not a big fan of Struts.It's
> > good enough, but far from an ideal J2EE web application framework:
> > 
> My instant rebuttal is just that what is a J2EE web 
> application framework?
> To me it seems that J2EE is a moving target. J2EE 1.0 was 
> about EJB and
> now J2EE 1.4 is about web services. 
> Struts does not aim to be perfect J2EE framework. Like most 
> bits of open
> source it was developed from an itch. Other people, I mean, software
> developers caught on to it, "why didn't I think about that?". This is
> reason for it popularity. What makes Struts great, is the design, and
> that is it. Form has definitely followed function.
> > *   The ActionForm approach - central to Struts request 
> > processing model - is poor. Bean binding is primitive, 
> > meaning that only string properties are really useful. This 
> > adds little value over simply querying request parameters.The 
> > idea of copying properties from an action form to business 
> > command is inelegant and there is o support for type checking.
> > 
> I have to say that I have grown to love 
> ``Commons BeanUtils.copyProperties'' and from
> what I gather, the Author is unaware of this handy class.
> He also misses the boat. Because ActionForm and the BeanUtils 
> support nested properties. In other words you can nest a value object
> inside your action form and access directly it in a JSP. Ergo you
> need not copy properties endlessly.
> BigDecimal  x  = actionForm.getValueObject().getPrincipalAmount();
>       <bean:write name="actionForm"  
>                       property="valueObject.principalAmount" />
>       or more JSTL <c:out
> value="${actionForm.valueObject.principalAmount}" />
> > *   Struts is too JSP-oriented, although it is possible to 
> > use Struts with other templating technologies.
> > 
> I heard of people using Velocity.
> > *   Struts is based almost entirely on concrete classes. 
> > This makes it hard to customize Struts's behavior.
> > 
> I agree a little bit here. I am in the middle of extending or 
> integrating
> Struts with Expresso, but I like the RequestProcessor and Plugin. They
> are little god-sends.
> > *   Although things have improved significantly with 
> > version 1.1, the Struts codebase is poor. Not surprisingly, 
> > there have been numerous deprecations in moving to 1.1.
> > 
> Nonsense. Admittedly the javadoc was a little poor in 1.0, but
> there is plently more infos in 1.1
> > *   Struts ActionForms have several particularities that we 
> > must consider. As all ActionForms must extend the Struts 
> > superclass, they all depend on Struts and the Servlet API. 
> > This means that they can not be passed to business objects, 
> > as business objects shouldn't depend on a particular web 
> > application framework or the Servlet API. Secondly, any 
> > request parameters that may contain invalid data (such as 
> > numeric inputs, for which the user might enter non-numeric 
> > data) must be matched by ActionForm properties of type 
> > String. The bean manipulation code behind the scenes will 
> > attempt to convert string request parameters to the 
> > appropriate type, but any exceptions in attempting to set 
> > properties will result in the 
> > org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils class failing the request 
> > by throwing a ServletException.
> The bean manipulation, I think this commons bean utils, can
> make it hard to find out which attribute in the action form
> is causing a problem. It needs to adopt the JSTL standard, of
> having the option of allowing unknown to be prefixed and suffixed
> with "?". Also when BeanUtils, fails, you dont know from the
> exception which class failed or the value that is being converted.
> > 
> > *   Thus a Struts ActionForm is not a true domain object. 
> > It's a place to hold user data until it can be validated and 
> > transferred into domain objects such commands. The advantage 
> > of this approach is that invalid data can be re-displayed 
> > easily. The disavantage is that we will need to get this data 
> > into true domain object at some point, so Struts has only 
> > taken us part of the way towards true data binding.
> This is nonsense against. An ActionForm is clearly part of
> the view section and thus is allied with JSP or XSTL.
> > 
> > 
> > *   The need to derive ApplicationForms from a single 
> > superclass has always seemed to me a design flaw. Not only 
> > does it tie commands to the Struts framework and Servlet API, 
> > it incorrectly exposes inherited framework properties to 
> > update via data binding from request parameters. For example, 
> > adding a servlet parameter with a string value will break 
> > just about any page generated by 1.0 application (with a 
> > failure to set a property of ActionServlet to a string) . 
> > Struts 1.1 introduces a workaround for this particular 
> > problem, but the root of the problem is the whole 
> ActionForm concept.
> > 
> > *   The ActionForm class also defines a validate() method. 
> > Subclasses may override this method to valid the state of an 
> > action form after population from request parameters. Struts 
> > also offers alternative approaches to validation.
> > 
> `validate' of the ActionForm is a little bit of legacy Struts 
> 0.[5-9]. 
> I hardly ever set it to `true'. I do all my validation in the Action, 
> where it is easy to call the ActionForm's `validate' method.
> > *   Struts 1.1 corrects many (but not all) of shortcomings 
> > of Struts 1.0, for example by allowing the use of multiple 
> > controller servletin application.(The mechanism for this 
> > isn't very elegant, however it's clear that it was an 
> > afterthought). Other enhancement in Struts 1.1 include the 
> > introduction of the org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction 
> > superclass, allowing several actions to be performed by the 
> > same class. This is very useful in cases where many request 
> > types call for simple handling; it avoids the proliferation 
> > of many trivial action classes. Struts also introduces 
> > declative exception handling. "
> There is lot of misunderstanding here in how Struts actually works.
> Multiple Servlets? There is only one ActionServlet instance. You can
> have however multiple modules. This is the only bane of Struts. 
> Modules are completely divorced and the idea of Module Inheritance
> is still up there in seventh heaven.
> > Thanks a lot in advance for your inputs.
> > José.
> > 
> You should also remembers books become out of date very quickly.
> You decide where it's at?
> --////--
> --
> Peter Pilgrim,
> Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
> Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923
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