The Tiles insert mechanism use the RequestDispatcher.include(...) which only allows to include a resource from the same webapp. So, you can't insert a tile from another war file.
A solution is to implement a tile that read its content from an external location. But, the external location will not have access to the current request and so on ...


Bernhard Lenz wrote:

We have multiple web applications (wars) which all use the same header
(e.g. header.jsp). Currently since the jsp:include tag only works within
a war's context we have to package/copy header.jsp into each war. Now
every time header.jsp changes all applications have to be repackaged and

The goal is to store header.jsp only once e.g. in a common repository
war and have all other wars access this common repository to obtain the
header information.

Is this possible with struts tiles? If so how? The examples that are
provided with tiles all reside in a single web application / war. An
inter war tile definitions example is missing.

Your help is greatly appreciated.



P.S.: The app server we're using is WL 6.1.

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