I had a similar problem.  My App Server is behind a firewall and cannot
directly access the web.  For some reason, the version of the
commons-validator.jar bundled with RC1 does not satisfy the DTD lookup. I
resolved this by downloading the current release of the validator framework
(1.0.1) and using that instead. Of course, commenting out the DOCTYPE will
disable the XML validation, which would also work.

                      Heligon Sandra                                                   
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "'Struts Users Mailing 
List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                               
                      homson.net>              cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  RE: Can not run my 
application since update  with Struts1.1 Relea       se C andidate 1      
                      02/26/03 09:27 AM                                                
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users                                                    
                      Mailing List"                                                    

Finally I resolved one on the two errors. The error concerning the
ClastCastException was due to a modification of my UML model when
I updated the Struts classes. The generated code was false.
The BaseAction doesn't extend no more the struts Action class.

But I don't have resolved the second problem.
To not have the [ERROR] ValidatorPlugIn I must place teh following lines in
the validator-rules.xml

<!--<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
          "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules
Configuration 1.0//EN"
As of February 12, 2003 Thomson unifies its email addresses on a worldwide
basis.Please note my new email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thomson is the leader in solutions and technologies for the entertainment
and media industries and serves its customers under its four strategic
brands: Technicolor, Grass Valley, RCA and THOMSON.
More about Thomson: http://www.thomson.net/videochain


Has someone any idea ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Heligon Sandra
Sent: 26 February 2003 09:24
Subject: Can not run my application since update with Struts1.1 Release
C andidate 1
Importance: High

 Since I updated the new version of the Struts framework I have the
following errors:

 - Problem with the Validator Plugin

 [INFO] ValidatorPlugIn - -Loading validation rules file from
 [ERROR] ValidatorPlugIn - -Operation timed out: connect
<java.net.ConnectException: Operation timed out:
connect>java.net.ConnectException:  Operation timed out: connect
 at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
 at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:320)

 at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:120)
 at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:273)
 at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:100)
 at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:50)
 at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:331)
 at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:517)
 at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:267)
 at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:277)       at

 I don't understand what is the problem ?

 - I have a Login page and when I select the Login button I must
enter in the LoginAction, but
 it dosen't work no more .

 [ERROR] RequestProcessor -
 -No action instance for path /login could be created
java.lang.ClassCastException: xms.clients.web.security.actions.LoginAction




 I have the following entry in my struts-config.xml file
processorClass="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor" />

 and my class LoginAction extends a BaseAction class that extends the
Struts Action class.
 I don't understand why it doesn't work, do you have an idea ?

 Thanks a lot in advance

As of February 12, 2003 Thomson unifies its email addresses on a worldwide
basis.Please note my new email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thomson is the leader in solutions and technologies for the entertainment
and media industries and serves its customers under its four strategic
brands: Technicolor, Grass Valley, RCA and THOMSON.
More about Thomson: http://www.thomson.net/videochain

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