Nope, I removed the tag, no change in behaviour, letz see what might be the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Dollin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: [Q]Logic tags

> The bean is already in scope.  The name is the name of the bean supplied
> Your ActionMap, i.e.
>         <action path="/viewschedule"
> type="net.bmllc.actions.DataEntry"
> name="ViewSchedule"
> validate="true"
> input="viewschedule.tile">
>             <forward name="lookup" path="viewschedule.tile" />
>         </action>
> In the case above the bean attribute name is 'ViewSchedule' which would be
> Equivalent to your webadminwizardform in the id attribute of the
> tag.
> In other words, the jsp:useBean is redundant and possibly causing a new
> Copy of your form bean to be instantiated, tossing the original.
> Edgar
> Subject:  [Q]Logic tags
> From:     "Chetan Sahasrabudhe" <chetans () wisorindia ! soft ! net>
> Date:     2003-02-27 11:47:41
> [Download message RAW]
> [Attachment #2 (multipart/alternative)]
> BlankHi,
>     I am trying to use logic tags to find if the value is present in my
> formbean attribute,
> depending on if value is present or not i have to take some action
> please check attached code for details.
>                  <logic:empty name="wigadminwizardform"
> property="sTransactionType">
>                         <html:text property="sTransactionType" size="25"
> maxlength="25"/>
>                     </logic:empty>
>                     <logic:notEmpty name="wigadminwizardform"
> property="sTransactionType">
>                          <bean:write name="wigadminwizardform"
> property="sTransactionType"/>
>                     </logic:notEmpty>
> wigadminwizardform is my formbean with session scope. above the code i
> put aline
> <jsp:useBean id="wigadminwizardform" scope="session"
> class="wigadmin.struts.forms.WIGAdminWizardForm"/>
> so my page has a view for the bean.
> what is happening in, even if sTransationType is populated i am getting
> box.
> which should appear on page only if sTransactionType is empty.
> what can be the problem
> Regards
> Chetan
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