If I undertand you correctly, that's what PropertyMessageResources does.

For example, say you've got a server in France serving international
A request comes in and you code looks calls a resource "my.message"

It will look under the current users locale (say UK), it would
recursively look in:
1. ApplicationResources.properties_en_UK
2. ApplicationResources.properties_en
3. ApplicationResources.properties     (Struts 'default')
And then finally the server's 'default' locale
4. ApplicationResources.properties_fr

I would say your best bet is to make #3 your base file and add locale
specific messages as you need them.

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

> -----Original Message-----
> From: scarter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:51 PM
> Is there a way in struts to maintain a default application resources
> file that can be referred to in the event that a requested resource is
> not found in another resource file.  For example, it would be 
> nice if I
> could only define specific resources in each locale specific resource
> file, instead of all of them, which consumes much more memory and more
> importantly, makes the application difficult to maintain.  
> The full set
> of default application resources could be defined in a default
> application resource file that would be called if the resource is not
> present in a locale specific one.  This is especially important where
> two locales are defined, say the US and UK, where very few resource
> differences exist.  If there are only a handful of resource 
> differences
> between these locales, I would not want to have to create an entirely
> new resource file for each one, since there would be quite a few
> redundancies.
> I am aware that we can define separate resource bundles and associate
> each one with a bundle name.  However the problem with this 
> approach is
> that I have to modify all of my struts tags to use statically defined
> bundle names.  Does anyone know of another way I can resolve this
> problem?  
> Thanks,
> Scott Carter
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