Has anyone written a class (which they would like to share) that
extends SimpleMenuItem to retrieve the bundle key for value and
global forward for the link?

I was envisioning something along the lines of:

<item name="webapp.page.news" value="news"

I am not even interested in the global forward as much as the
bean:message bundle resource.

Also, while I am on the topic of tiles.  Is there any way to use the
<bean:message key="webapp.title"/> in the tiles definition file?  I
know that you can have different definition files for different
languages, but it would seem to be more logical to be able to
reference the application message bundle instead.  It would seem to
me a new "type" of message would be the most approrpriate if it is
not already possible to do this.

I would be grateful for any responses to those two inquires.


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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"I'm old enough to know better, but still too young to care."
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