Hi, I am having problem reading data in application.properties.

Here is the structure of my struts folder inside tomcat4.1.8

-> Some jsp files.
           ->some struts files as well as web.xml
               ->mypackage(named "sung" just in case)

Whenever my jsp files try to access data(e.g. error.login.authenticate=Not Authenticated or userName=defaultName)
in application.properties, I get an exception as below.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE

and it tells me that to root cause is

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE

Is it because application.properties file should be located somewhere else? or should I specify the location of the application.properties file in struts-config.xml?

I am having no problem starting up Tomcat 4.1.8 though and it does not throw any exceptions when I start tomcat.
But it just

To get that kind of exception, i used this on my JSP file

<title><bean:message key='login.title' /></title>

inside application.properties file, i assigned login.title=Login Title

But when my servlet that extends Action class accesses application.properties data, there seems to be no problem though.

I would really appreciate your help
Thank you in advance.

>> sung <<

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