How 'bout a requiredif rule for each field, where a value is
required if the other field's value is null?

See the stuff on the requiredif rule in the validator section
of the user guide (online at the struts web pages).

There's also been some recent discussion related to this - you
coud probably search the archives using my name :)


On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 12:35 PM, Scott Power wrote:

Hey guys,

I am just learning my way around struts and I need some help validating
a form.  I have used validation before and I know how to do it for a
single field and multiple fields.

But now I am stuck, I have a form with two text fields for data to be
entered and I want to validate them.  I want the user to either enter
data into the first text or the second or both.  I just can't have both
fields empty. does anybody know how to do this?

Thanks for any help that can be provided.

Scott Power

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