At 09:51 04/03/2003, you wrote:
There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing:

Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms (user_add.jsp):

                    <!-- tr>
                        <th>Contract User</th>
                            <html:checkbox property="contractUser"/>
                    </tr -->

If this is present, struts fails with the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property contractUser
of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not occur
if I remove the code entirely.

Struts doesn't care of HTML comments, all the JSP source is processed to produce HTML content, and that's the navigator which is checking HTML comments to display contents or not.

The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter) method for
contractUser in

    /* Contract User */
    private boolean contractUser = false;
    public boolean getContractUser() {
        return this.contractUser;
    public void setContractUser(boolean contractUser) {
        this.contractUser = contractUser;

I have the following in my struts config:

        <form-bean name="userForm"
                   type="com.somewhere.aproject.UserForm" />
        <action path="/screen_user_add"

I know the configuration is right since the rest of the fields work fine. Should I be using type String instead of boolean for contractUser?

I've read somewhere that all forms fields should be declared as String in the Form classes... It is recommended to make the conversions in your actions classes.

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