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On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Cedric Dumoulin wrote:

>   Hi,
>   It looks like your unlucky using Tiles ;-).
Thank you for your answers. I admit that some of my questions were a bit 
brain-damaged :) Anyway passing a definition to the vboxLayout via the 
<add beanName="..."/> doesn't work because all the passed attributes are 
inserted in the vboxLayout by using a <insert name="..."/>

I made it work by modifying the vboxLayout in this way:

 Iterator i = list.iterator();
 while(i.hasMoreElement()) {
   String name = (String)i.next();
<logic:present name="<%= name %>">
<%--A bean is present with the attribute name so it should be a definition--%
<tiles:insert beanName="<%= name %>"/>
<logic:notPresent name="<%= name %>">
<%--Standard tiles insertion-->
<tiles:insert name="<%= name %>"/>

So, when I insert that tile I alway use 
<add name="..."/> regardless if I am passing a definition (local or 
tile-config defined) or a path to another tile.This is necessary, I 
think, because <add beanName> doesn't work at all. Do you think this is a 
reasonable solution?

However this solution fails for adding normal strings, but I agree with 
you (Cedric) that you should not compose body tiles with a list of small 
strings packed in a vboxLayout! :) So the lack of support for normal 
strings isn't really an issue! 

A presto,

- -- 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Fabio Mancinelli, PhD student     EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dipartimento di Informatica         WWW : http://www.di.univaq.it/~mancinel
 Universita' dell'Aquila    
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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