Hi all,

I've migrating my struts app from tomcat4.0.1 to tomcat 4.1.18 .
Every thing seemed to work fine when i one of my application I have
a very strange thing.

I define mutiple forms in my jsp just like below

<html:form action="/deleteSending.do">
<html:hidden property="codeDemande" value=""/>
<html:hidden property="task" value="delete"/>

<html:form action="/editSending.do">
<html:hidden property="codeDemande" value=""/>
<html:hidden property="task" value="edit"/>
<html:form action="/filterMails.do">
<html:hidden property="codeDemande" value=""/>
<html:hidden property="task" value=""/>

each form has a different ActionForm.

In tomcat 4.0.1, there is nothing suprising me.

But In tomcat 4.1.18, when view the html source code generated,
I discover that each of those forms is associated to the same ActionForm 

can some explains me such a strange thing.

thank in advance.


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