Remove the Tree Model from the equation then, this isn't a question about rich client 
UI.  The Struts specific question is how to pass parameters to the action class (and 
access them in the action class code)via the <html:link action="menu"/>  tag without a 
formbean or form submission taking place.  I want a group of links to share the same 
action class and pass parameters into the ation class to correctly trigger some 
behavior.  This is primarily a request for content based on the menu action.  See 

<html:link action="/menu?menuID=20&content_id=30">Arts</html:link> 
<html:link action="/menu?menuID=10&content_id=30">English</html:link> 

Is the above valid approach?  How do I get access to these parameters in the action 

>>> "BaTien Duong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/05/03 11:36AM >>> 
This is what we are waiting for in Java Server Faces to bring server side 
action to rich client side interface with easy to use Tags. 


-----Original Message----- 
From: Brian Hart [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:04 AM 
Subject: Using a TreeModel for Menu State - Best Practice to send 
statechanges via Struts 

The TreeModel interface and DefaultTreeModel implementation of the JDK 
provide the necessary functionality to manage the state of a tree which will 
be managed in a set of database tables. We will be rendering the state of 
the tree in HTML. My question is how to build the HTML links to correctly 
communicate which link is clicked in Struts 1.1 RC1. I picture a single 
Action class, something like MenuAction that would then get a set of 
parameters indicating the node clicked and then delegate to the business 
object to update the TreeModel accordingly. Much of the documentation is 
about using ActionForms to pass information to the Struts Action. Without A 
Formbean how does one correctly use the action attribute of the <html:link> 
tag in struts 1.1? 

<html:link action="/menu?menuID=20&content_id=30">Arts</html:link> 
<html:link action="/menu?menuID=10&content_id=30">English</html:link> 

Tree could be something like: 
Learning Experiences 
Best Practices 
Learning Experiences 
Best Practices 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META content="MSHTML 5.00.3510.1100" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY style="FONT: 10pt Tahoma; MARGIN-LEFT: 2px; MARGIN-TOP: 2px">
<DIV>Remove the Tree Model from the equation then, this isn't a question about 
rich client UI.&nbsp; The Struts specific question is how to pass parameters to 
the action class (and&nbsp;access them in the action class code)via the 
&lt;html:link action="menu"/&gt;&nbsp; tag without a formbean or form submission 
taking place.&nbsp; I want a group of links to share the same action class and 
pass parameters into the ation class to correctly trigger some behavior.&nbsp; 
This is primarily a request for content based on the menu action.&nbsp; See 
action="/menu?menuID=10&amp;content_id=30"&gt;English&lt;/html:link&gt; </DIV>
<DIV>Is the above valid approach?&nbsp; How do I get access to 
these&nbsp;parameters in the action class?&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>&gt;&gt;&gt; "BaTien Duong" &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt; 03/05/03 
11:36AM &gt;&gt;&gt; <BR>This is what we are waiting for in Java Server Faces to 
bring server side <BR>action to rich client side interface with easy to use 
Tags. <BR><BR>BaTien <BR>========================== <BR><BR>-----Original 
Message----- <BR>From: Brian Hart [<U> <A 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A></U> 
<BR>Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:04 AM <BR>To: <U><A 
<BR>Subject: Using a TreeModel for Menu State - Best Practice to send 
<BR>statechanges via Struts <BR><BR><BR>The TreeModel interface and 
DefaultTreeModel implementation of the JDK <BR>provide the necessary 
functionality to manage the state of a tree which will <BR>be managed in a set 
of database tables. We will be rendering the state of <BR>the tree in HTML. My 
question is how to build the HTML links to correctly <BR>communicate which link 
is clicked in Struts 1.1 RC1. I picture a single <BR>Action class, something 
like MenuAction that would then get a set of <BR>parameters indicating the node 
clicked and then delegate to the business <BR>object to update the TreeModel 
accordingly. Much of the documentation is <BR>about using ActionForms to pass 
information to the Struts Action. Without A <BR>Formbean how does one correctly 
use the action attribute of the &lt;html:link&gt; <BR>tag in struts 1.1? 
<BR><BR>Tree could be something like: <BR>Arts <BR>Music <BR>Learning 
Experiences <BR>Theature <BR>Best Practices <BR>ELA <BR>Learning Experiences 
<BR>Best Practices <BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>

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