Oh an old topics ;)) I understoud the benefits and I just buy a
book about JSTL.

Thanks for your clear post Craig.

Alexandre Jaquet

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 2:51 AM
Subject: RE: [struts-el] What's the benefits ?

> > From: alexj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > I didn't find the benefits of the use of jstl extention.
> >
> > Who can explain me the benefits ?
> > From: p2 - apache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Some body don't want to see <% .... %>? Just a guess.
> There's lots of advantages to the expression language that Struts-EL uses
> (copied from JSTL 1.0, and to be embedded everywhere in a JSP page in JSP
> 2.0).  My favorite feature is independence from the underlying
> implementation of the properties.  Consider the following expression:
>   ${customer.mailAddress.city}
> This works for all of the following scenarios (as well as some others):
> * "customer" is a bean with a getMailAddress() getter, which in term
>   returns a bean with a getCity() getter.
> * "customer" is a bean where getMailAddress() returns a Map that has
>   (among others) an entry with a key of "city".
> * "customer" is a Map that has a key "mailAddress" whose value is a
>   bean with a getCity() method.
> * "customer" is a Map with a key of "mailAddress" that returns a Map
>   that has a key of "city" ...
> You get the idea?  The business tier developer has a fair amount of
> freedom in how they implement the beans representing the data required by
> the view tier -- or even skips implementing them if Maps do the trick.
> And changing your mind among these choices does not invalidate the syntax
> of the expression that is embedded in your page.
> The other thing I like about EL expressions is that the syntax is very
> close to what page authors familiar with JavaScript already understand, so
> it's natural for them to be able to script with it, without having to know
> any java at all.  Consider a personnel management app that wants to
> restrict the display of salary information to managers.  In a JSP 1.2
> environment (with JSTL), you could write:
>   <c:if test="${user.role = 'Manager'}">
>     <c:out value="${employee.salary}"/>
>   </c:if>
> and have a fair chance that the page author can understand it -- while the
> corresponding scriptlet version is pretty opaque to a non-programmer:
>   <%
>      if (user.getRole().equals("Manager")) {
>        out.println(employee.getSalary());
>      }
>   %>
> to say nothing of the fact that the Java code requires you to expose
> "user" and "employee" as instance variables in the page class, while the
> tagged version doesn't.  (And, by the way, you'd better be prepared for
> NullPointerException errors in the scriptlet, while the expression
> language deals with them for you.)
> By the way, in a JSP 2.0 environment, this example will get even simpler:
>   <c:if test="${user.role = 'Manager'}">
>     ${employee.salary}
>   </c:if>
> because you will be able to use EL expressions anywhere (including
> template text), not just in tags that understand it.
> Craig McClanahan
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